- dswillet
- Gableboy
- Mitchowl
- PapaMoose
- ValerieC84
- GeneologyMaster
- Hokie374
- tjalbrecht
- lady0rowan
- DdraigGoch
- crex
- Anne Ryan
- Bmathis
- Rbemis01
- MichaelMcCormick
- Chynna67
- Vickytb
- TaraDuncan
The Leaderboard gives us a glimpse of all the transcribers who are taking the uploaded photos and making them searchable. Right now the lowest number of transcriptions on the Leaderboard (which now extends to 25 instead of 10) is 325; the highest is a whopping 10,170 transcriptions from RWhisnant! And even with RWhisnant’s astounding numbers, we’ve had so many uploads that there are still over 5800 images available to transcribe. This is an amazing month for cemetery record collection.